Artist Proof Gallery - Old Testament
01 Losing-Paradise Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
02 Ark-of-Noah Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
04 Abraham-&-Angels Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
03 Look-toward-the-Heaven Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
05 Sacrifice-of-Abraham Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
06 The-Dream-of-Jacob Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
07 Joseph's-Coat Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
08 Baby-Moses Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
09 The-Burning-of-Bush Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
10 Moses and Aaron Debating with Pharaoh Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
11-Moses-Striking-the-Rock Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
12 Red-Sea-Crossing Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
13 The-Ten-Commadments Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
14 Moses-Blesses-Israel Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
15 Joshua-Blowing-Trumpet Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
16 Gideon-&-the-Angel Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
17 Ruth-&-Naomi Artist Proof
$349.00 - $699.00
$289.00 - $529.00
18 David-&-Jonathan Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
19 David-&-Saul Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
20 Judgment-of-Solomon Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
21 The-Song-of-Solomon Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
22 The-Song-of-Songs(B) Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
23 Sleeping-Ellijah Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
24 Elijah-&-The-Ravens Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
25 Elijah-Is-Taken-up-to-Heaven Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
26 Ark-of-Covenant Artist Proof (2018 New)
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
27 Spies-return-from-Cannan Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
28 Esther's-Gamble Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
29 Leading-of-Peace Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00
30 Jonah-&-The-Whale Artist Proof
$129.00 - $699.00
$109.00 - $529.00